Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Visual Update on the Garden of Misfit Plants

Some visuals of our gardens on fathers day.

Lest anyone might think that working the earth and fertilizing the soil is unproductive.
(Three year old provided for scale and with the season's first zucchinis)

And just to show that the more obedient plants weren't to be out done by their unruly neighboring garden: Here's a basket of tomatoes picked the same morning from the Garden of (more) Obedient Plants. - Six year old added because he could lift the basket.
Have a wonderful fathers day.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things I know

God is real, and He created it all.
My wife loves me
A child that loves sweets
Each day is a new day
Finishing a thing is a joy to me
There is always something to fix
A child that loves very sour things but will never admit that they're sour
If it's not chocolate why bother
Exercise makes me feel better
I can live for days on praise from my wife
A child who loves words
I am a sinner
A smile from a child lifts my soul
A child who's kind, sweet and terrible
I am forgiven
I love a consistent routine
I am random
A child who's nuts
I value being valued
Summer in Alabama is hot
A child who builds
There are times to talk
There are times to not